The Game

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Click on the cat!

Picture of a black cat
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Ohhhhh you thought it was the picture you had to click on? Think again. Level 2 becomes a little more tricky...

A personal story about cats

Let's keep the tradition going: when you want a break from the game, I give you something to be entertained by.
When I was younger, my parents had gotten two kittens for me and my sister. They were all-black cats, both brothers.
One of them was big and puffy, while the other was very thin and elegant. In light of this, we decided to give them
appropriate names; Blues and Jazz (I'll let you guess which one was which). Anyways, Blues was always the michevious type;
always running around knocking down furniture. Jazz, on the other hand, was very reserved; he was not a huge fan of being
pet and mostly kept to himself.

Bonus cat facts

Here are some bonus cat facts for you to enjoy:

  1. Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees
  2. Cats can hear roughly 5 times stronger than humans can
  3. Domestic cats spend, on average, 70% of the day sleeping
  4. It is impossible for a cat to see under its own nose
  5. Cats have 5 toes on their front paws, but only 4 on their back paws


Here are hints for you to proceed to the next level:

  1. The answer is found at the top of this webpage
  2. The link is not in a picture
  3. An exlamation point follows the link