The Game

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Actor raising a glass GIF image
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Hey! You made it!
Thank you for playing "The Game". As a student in the Web Site Creation Course, I have had
the chance to combine everything I have learned throughout the semester and make this webiste/online
game. As I have mentionned on the home page of this website, I was really looking forward
to doing something different with this project. Instead of building a typical "business-type"
or "article-type" website, I decided to add an interactive aspect to give life to it. Anyways, I hope
you have had the chance to enjoy playing as much as I have enjoyed building the site.

Here is a video prize for your completion!

If you are unable to claim your prize through the embedded video, click here!

What's next?

The game is over, the prize has been claimed. Now what? I'd invite you to refer to the navigation bar,
where you will find a References Page and a Links page, which may be useful for acedemic purposes.